Just Tell Me the Chapter and Verse, OK?

I am going to kvetch here about what so many people do when they are posting something biblical.

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What drives me crazy (and that isn’t a long ride, to begin with) is when someone is posting about something in the Bible, and they copy and paste half the book in their post.

Look, if I am interested in what you have to say, and want to check it out for myself, I can look it up- just tell me where in the Bible you got it from. Heck, I may already know what the Bible says.

And if you are posting the actual passages because you think I don’t have a Bible, so you want me to see your sources, if I don’t have a Bible to refer to, it is probable that I don’t have one because I don’t care to have one, so I probably won’t read your post, anyway.

Another thing to consider is this: people only believe 50% of what you tell them, and 100% of what they say, themselves, and that also counts when posting 75 verses from the Bible. If they are interested, they will want to verify what you say, and if they are so lazy as to just accept whatever someone says, you don’t need to post the verses, anyway.

I am not that type- if someone tells me the Bible says such-and-such, I am going to verify that for myself, in my own Bible.

I also find reading verse after verse that someone posts annoying- what is the lesson? There are many different ways to interpret biblical references and passages, so please don’t waste my time with verse after verse, 50 lines long. Keep me interested in your interpretation by staying on that, and if I agree, you’re golden; if I disagree, everything you post won’t make a difference. If I am interested, and think maybe you have something different than what I think, but it makes sense, then I will check my Bible.

And yes, there will be plenty of people who will just accept what you say, and those types don’t need to read the verses, anyway- they are sheep who will be led to destruction if they are too lazy to verify what they are being told. I believe anyone who is truly trying to help people know God and do as God wants, will not be satisfied with people just following, blindly.

So, as I said from the start, this is a personal peeve of mine and I just wanted to share it with members of this ministry because I want you to know me, as a person, and not just as a teacher. And also to (hopefully) get copy-and-paste fanatics to stop wasting digital space and just tell us what you believe, then reference the book, chapter, and verse(s) where you got it from.

Thank you for being here, and please remember to share these messages with everyone you know, believer or not. After all, you never know how fertile the soil is until you plant a seed in it.

That’s it for this week, so l’hitraot and Chag Sameach Hanukkah!

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