Jews and Jesus

A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?

In Matthew 7:15, Yeshua (Jesus) says, “Beware of the false prophets! They come to you wearing sheep’s clothing, but underneath they are hungry wolves!” This warning is stated throughout the

Is An Adopted Child Free From the Rules?

Two of the traditional Christian tenets are that when one professes faith in Yeshua (Jesus) as the son of God, they become an adopted child of Abraham, and the other

Shaul Never Stopped Being a Torah-Observant Jew

If you go to almost any Bible, and turn to Acts Chapter 9, you will find a caption that says something to the effect of, “Paul converts on the road

Yeshua is Not Really Our Savior, He is the Messiah

Okay, okay, I know…everyone calls Yeshua (Jesus) the Savior, but what does the “savior” do? When we define a savior, Yeshua doesn’t completely fill the bill. If you prefer to

Why I Reject the Gospel of John

Is anyone still there? I figured the title alone would get many, if not most, Christians to skip this. I am a Jewish man who also believes that Yeshua is

The Jews Didn’t Reject Their Messiah, the Christians Did.

I know, I know… the Jews rejected Jesus, which is why only Christians are saved. But did the Jews really reject him? And are the Christians really saved? If you

Is Christianity Wrong?

Before we can determine if Christianity is wrong, we should identify what the words “Christianity” and “wrong” represent. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch

Passover Lamb or Yom Kippur Goat- Yeshua is Both

Of course, Yeshua (Jesus) is called the Passover Lamb, but that isn’t really the full description what his sacrifice provided. In fact, his sacrifice not only served to provide the

Are People in Fear of the Lord, or Just Afraid of What Their Religious Leader May Think of Them?

From a biblical viewpoint, “fear of the Lord” doesn’t mean that we are afraid of him, rather that we worship him. But when we do that, are we doing it

Do You Accept God for Who He is?

I know this sounds a little off; I mean, of course I accept God for who he is. What else can I do? He is the Lord of lords and