Call Out to my followers

I am sending this request to all who are kind enough to follow this blog.

My place of worship, the Zionist Revival Center ( is working with two very honorable Christian organizations, Ezra international and Bridges for Peace, to raise funds to help indigent Jewish people living in the Former Soviet Union and other European countries (where they are still persecuted, and it is getting worse) to make Aliya- move to Israel.

One of the things we want to do is ask celebrities who are Jewish (or who have a heart for the Jewish people and support Israel) to send us a quick soundbite, 30 seconds or so, something they can do on their phones, to support our outreach. We hope to gather a number of these and make a video collage that we can use to attract people and speakers to help raise funds.

I am sending this out to you because we all are never more than 6 degrees from someone, right? Or something like that.

In light of this, I would like to ask you all to help me by asking everyone you know who they know to see if anyone knows someone who everyone knows (a celebrity, known from Hollywood, music, science, the arts, even politics) that we can contact and ask to make this soundbite of support for Israel.

Thank you. If you do know someone, please email us how to contact them at:



Thank you all and, as the prayer says, “May God make peace on us and on all Israel. And say ye, Amen!”




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